D.C. Defenders Sideline Benches by Dragon Seats

Dragon Seats is the Official D.C. Defenders Bench
Dragon Seats portable heated benches are the official D.C. Defenders football bench. The team’s ergonomic benches feature custom red and white team and XFL logos, a revolutionary heating system that’s designed to warm the entire bench area to keep player’s core body temperatures up even in extreme weather conditions and create consistent muscle elasticity to help prevent muscle injuries. The Defenders Dragon Seats also feature heated foot decks and our proprietary heated helmet rests, Hot Hats, which are designed to heat the entire sideline and keep the interior padding of helmets warm, pliable, and dry so the helmets fit properly regardless of how cold the temperature gets.
With D.C. Defender home games being played in the nation’s capital in the middle of the winter months, Dragon Seats have proven to be an essential sideline gear to aide in player safety and performance. With four benches on each sideline, both the home and away team players are better equipped and prepared to play in D.C.’s cold and blustery winter weather. Our benches play an integral role in helping players keep their core temperature up and their muscles loose and limber while waiting to get back in the game while also helping to further reduce the risk of concussions and other types of injury.
If you are interested in getting Dragon Seats sideline heated, cooling, or hybrid benches for your football sidelines to provide safety, performance, and comfort in all-weather conditions, contact us today.
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